Selasa, 30 Mei 2017

Speechs... is it? Speech draft for final exam

There! The truth has been told! The truth about this blog of mine hahahah

Greetings to those who willingly waste their time reading this. I’m going to share some of my Idea through this speech of mine.. If you can call it a speech that is (more like a small talk, but yeah). I’ve been writing a lot about my interest in drawings. And so you guys probably know that it’s one of my fundamental skills (an exception to those who value their time and chosed not to waste any of it by reading my blog). Right, so now I’m currently studying in Civil Engineering of UNTAN which I took without any second thought of what Civil Engineering is all about.
Turns out that Civil Engineering might be suitable enough for me... if you count math and physics out of the realm that is... because it has something to do with drawing or drawing has something to do with it. And now here I am, trying to tell you what is the connection of Drawing and Civil Engineering.
First of all a civil engineer need to be able to design a building right? I mean architect do that kind of things too... but they don’t care about numbers and such... those weight falls to the shoulder of a civil engineer. And what words comes into your mind when you hear design? Well, I don’t know about yours.. but for me... it has to be drawings.
Well, like... what are you trying to design if there are no drawings? The image of what are you going to create should look like. That means drawings is one of the basic skill you have to master in civil engineering. Don’t worry though, you don’t have to be an artist, because as long as you can use ruler and pencils... you’ll be fine... probably.
So, why do I say that drawing is the one of the basic skills of civil engineer? Well, it’s not drawings like anime characters or such... which is sadly that is my kind of drawings. To put it simple, some people finds drawing a bit frustrating. Because pulling repetitive lines, can be pretty boring sometimes. If someone feels that way, he/she probably won’t fit in... The fact that the drawing in the design of a simple building is complicated as an advanced sci-fi film is not helping them at all. Yes, you heard me right... even a simple cube-shaped building design have a lot of lines overlaying one another. Making it looks more like a fish net than a building. So, don’t let the shape of the now-finished building fools you.
So, what can those people who finds drawing is frustrating do to take part in Civil Engineering? Well, as I said before... you don’t have to be a famous artist. All you need to do is to bear with the boredom and frustration. Deal with it, that’s the only way. And what about the next generation of humankind? Well, we can just teach them about drawings in their young stages... like we always did. But, instead of just teaching them with the classic small-circle-large-circle song. We should try to teach them the reason why they need to at least able to draw a cube. Because when you know why you should do something will make you less lazy to do it. Like having no I-don’t-want-to-deal-with-this feeling in yourself, or at least a perhaps-I-have-to-do-it feeling will grow in you.
Drawing, isn’t as light as it souds... you shouldn’t underestimate this skill of yours. Yes, everyone is able to draw... it’s just some people lack the reason of why they should do it. Although, everyone actually did it almost everytime in their mind when they tried to describe something. See? It is an important skill to have.. If you can’t draw the image of what are you trying to describe, what are you going to say?. But this doesn’t make any other skills and traits sounds less important. Everything is impotant in your life... If you happen to have a question like “what is the importance of having an anger?” and you began to think that anger isn’t good and therefore you tried your best to get rid of it from your life... you just haven’t find the reason of why you need to be angry at times. Quoting Chitanda Eru’s quote from the anime Hyouka “If you can never get angry that means probably you have nothing you like, either”. The same goes for drawing.. just try to think for a minute abou it.
Well, enough of that I suppose... I’ll see you another time.

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